Thursday, March 22, 2018

New M.Tech. Thesis Submitted from electronics


There are constantly moving nodes in mobile ad-hoc network whereas in Wireless sensor network, the nodes are motionless. There are many issues that the mobile ad hoc network confronts because of constant topology changes. These issues are about packet loss, link breakage and so on, which are necessary to be considered for the enhancement of network services. There is another issue that also need to be considered is network’s lifetime. The network’s lifetime hangs on the remaining energy levels of the nodes. Therefore, in this case, the preservation of energy levels of mobile nodes can make the network to work for longer duration. In order to achieve energy efficiency, it is necessary to improve the transfer of data between two nodes i.e. source node and destination node. The main focus of this study is at optimizing the track from source to destination using the pheromone value of nodes during route reply phase. It can also be enhanced by using the coordinate based method while broadcasting the route request messages. Also in case to optimize performance of the network, the concept of EENCP has been taken into account so that energy of the nodes is also considered while making path from source to destination. The proposed scheme as well as existing schemes were implemented on NS2.35 and the throughput, energy consumption and routing overhead were used to analyse performance of the network. The proposed scheme has lead to energy consumption of 11 Joules whereas the existing scheme causes energy consumption of 12.5 Joules in the network. The lesser energy consumption in the proposed scheme shows an enhancement in lifetime of network. Similarly, better network must have higher values for throughput and the proposed scheme shows destination node received more amount of the data. The values of the throughput for the proposed scheme at 260 Kbps are higher than the existing scheme at 210 Kbps indicating better performance of the network. The values for the routing overhead for the proposed scheme is found to be 8.5 and for the existing scheme it is 18.5 approx. which indicates the establishment of better routing track between source and destination node. This is attributed to the consideration of the pheromone values concept derived from ant colony optimization to select the track between the front and end node to transmit the data. The ant colony concept optimizes the path in a better way than other traditional routing protocols which has been proved in our study also.