Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New M.E.Thesis Submitted from ECE

Analysis and Design of 5.2GHz Rectangular U Slot Micro strip Patch Antenna Using ANFIS by Harleen Kaur,ECE



ANFIS is a network structure that has learning capability like Neural Networks and decision making capability like Fuzzy Inference System. ANFIS can be performed the same as a predictor, estimator or as a controller in a variety of fields such as time series prediction, pattern recognition and control system etc.
ANFIS was first proposed by Jang (1993). In traditional ANFIS, parameters are trained using the hybrid learning and back propagation alone. At the very first ANFIS is implemented by Guney(2006) for the computation of physical dimensions of Rectangular Microstrip patch Antenna.
In the proposed work, firstly the ANFIS model has to be designed for the frequency range of 3 - 6.30 GHz. Then the trained ANFIS model is used to design of rectangular U slot microstrip patch antenna. Afterwards the ANFIS model will be checked and verified for the estimation of physical parameters of rectangular U slot microstrip patch antenna such as the length and width of the rectangular patch, the length and width of the U slot with reference to IE3D model. The average absolute error using the proposed method for resonant frequency is 0.5%. The results show that proposed method produces results which are in excellent agreement with the simulated data from IE3D software.
This demonstrates that ANFIS being fast and accurate design methodology can be implemented to effectively design microstrip patch antennas with complex structure along with the other related work. Also the analysis of rectangular U slot antenna is to be done by varying the U slot position and Feed point. Then the effect of U slot position and feed point on various antenna output parameters is to be analyzed.